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Medi-7uno is a reliable help for everyone who takes prescription drugs daily.

Medi-7uno serves to regulate and control the intake of prescription drugs from the doctor.

Medi-7uno is easy to use and clear. The big single cases offer enough space for the intake of multiple medicines.

Medi-7uno, a case for every day, practical and safe.

GTIN: 42 6006 163 031 8 (white)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 032 5 (blue)
EAN / GTIN number - Language: German

Product Size: ca. 13.5 cm x 4.2 cm x 2.2 cm
Size Pill Area: ca. 2.0 cm x 4.2 cm x 1.7 cm

Medi-7 uno