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Medi-7 the specialists for the safest and most comfortable way to take prescription drugs.

Medi-7 is a medication dispenser with 7 single removable boxes for each day. Available in every pharmacy and drugstore under the following ordering numbers:
(EAN / GTIN - Language: German)

GTIN: 42 6006 163 001 1 (white)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 003 5 (lightblue)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 002 8 (turquoise)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 070 1 (colore - colourful boxes)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 073 8 (neo - colourful lids)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 072 1 (trend - colourful inscription)

Medi-7uno is a medication dispenser with 7 small cases. Available in 2 different colors in every pharmacy and drugstore under the following ordering numbers:
(EAN / GTIN - Language: German)

GTIN: 42 6006 163 031 8 (white)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 032 5 (blue)

Medi-7trio is a medication divider. A handy and practical divider to split, to crush and to keep tablets.

Available in 2 different colors in every pharmacy and drugstore under the following ordering numbers: (EAN / GTIN - Language: German)

GTIN: 42 6006 163 042 4 (white)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 041 7 (grey)

Medi-7quattro is a medication dispenser with 4 cases. Available in 2 different colors in every pharmacy and drugstore under the following ordering numbers:
(EAN / GTIN - Language: German)

GTIN: 42 6006 163 051 6 (white)
GTIN: 42 6006 163 052 3 (green)

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